Use the history command to see the whole command history of your shell:

$ history
  501  cd ../
  502  ls posts
  503  less posts/command-line-basics.mdwn 
  504  history

This shows the whole history. You can pipe it to less or grep or other tools, as needed. You can, for example, count which command you use most:

$ history | awk '{ print $2 }' | sort | uniq -c | sort -n | tail
     15 emacs
     15 man
     15 ./ripit
     18 rm
     23 python
     29 less
     31 ssh
     44 ls
     52 cd
     68 git

This isn't necessarily quite accurate, though. I use the Bash HISTCONTROL=ignoredups setting, which removes exact duplicates of command lines from the history. Thus, while I run commands like ./check and python check very often, they don't show up in the counts above.