Previously we discussed data structure basics in our three scripting languages Python, Perl, and Lua. By now you should be familiar with basic expressions, outputting information, and how to structure data in your chosen of our scripting languages. This week we're going to look into how to split scripts into reusable sections of code, which are commonly called function, method, subroutine, or chunk.

These structures are useful because they allow you to create integral units of functionality with well defined inputs and outputs (if you so choose) and then reuse these units over and over to achieve a goal. In our example we're going to create such a unit of code which can greet people. We shall call it greet.


Python uses the keyword def to indicate that the programmer is defining a new function or method:

>>> def greet(person):
...     print "Hello " + person
>>> greet("Yakker")
Hello Yakker
>>> greet("Geoff")
Hello Geoff


Perl uses the keyword sub to indicate that the programmer is defining a new subroutine:

$_ sub greet { my $person = shift; print "Hello $person\n"; }
$_ greet "Yakker"
Hello Yakker
1$_ greet "Geoff"
Hello Geoff

You may notice the apparently spurious 1s in that... Well Perl subroutines always have a result value of some kind, and the print function seems to be returning 1 for fun and chuckles.


Lua uses the keyword function to indicate that the programmer is defining a new function:

> function greet(person)
>> print("Hello " .. person)
>> end
> greet("Yakker")
Hello Yakker
> greet("Geoff")
Hello Geoff


Functions on their own are useful, but they really come into their own when you combine them with further syntactical structures which we will explore next time. Until then, see how complex a program you can create using only the syntax we've explored thus-far. If you create anything impressive, leave a comment.